
The Youth Vote Is Leaving Biden and Embracing Trump

AP Photo/Darron Cummings, File

As Biden was banning TikTok use for everyone he could but himself, his administration was hiring "youth influencers" in order to capture that juicy youth vote the Democrats covet so much. Hilariously, the Democrats decided that their influencers should be people like Harry Sisson, a young man who might as well have "Democrat Plant" stitched on his forehead and who has some very odd familial connections to the DNC that suggest he was groomed to be a plant from a very young age. 

(READ: Info Behind Gen Z Political Influencers Like Harry Sisson Suggests DNC Is Up to Something Incredibly Sinister)

Lo and behold, Sisson and the other try-hard plants sponsored by the Democrat Party weren't capable of wooing over Gen Z. 

As Politico recently reported, the younger generations are walking away from the Democrat party and making their way to Trump's side: 

Just last week, a new NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist College national poll showed Trump 2 points ahead of Biden among Millennial and Gen-Z voters, while Biden led overall among voters 45 years and older, including those in the Silent and Greatest generations.

A Fox News poll last month showed Trump leading Biden among voters under 30 by a whopping 18 points in a head-to-head matchup — and by 21 points with independent and third-party candidates included.

This doesn't pan out with every poll, as Politico highlighted: 

Biden is at just 50 percent among voters under 30 in the Wall Street Journal’s national and swing-state polling. While that’s still about 10 points ahead of Trump, it’s a significant decline compared to the 2020 election — and roughly equal to his vote share among seniors, 48 percent.

Now, I should warn everyone that taking a poll as gospel this far out isn't necessarily a good idea and things can change at the drop of a hat, but regardless, let's take a look at why Biden seems to be losing his support from the youth. 

Firstly, we've been covering a phenomenon here at RedState that shows Gen Z males are, by and large, trending conservative, and not in a small way. Over the course of the past decade, the Democrat Party has severely intensified its gynocentrism — despite its trying to redefine what a woman is – and villainized masculinity in the process. As such, boys are walking away from the left

The Democrat Party, which invests heavily in modern feminist ideals, has reiterated its disdain for men and masculinity repeatedly. In an age where boys are being inundated by the leftist narrative that they’re awful just for being boys, they’re naturally going to migrate to places and people who don’t look at them as defective.

As such, boys are listening to people like Joe Rogan, Tim Pool, Ben Shapiro, and more. Boys have effectively migrated out of the bubble the Democrats attempted to set for them and as such, messaging from other sources is reaching them more easily. You can even see this happening in the entertainment sector where the “toxic masculinity” of Japanese manga and anime has now outstripped the American industry by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, Gen Z is currently reeling from their own financial hardships. As Forbes reported back in September, Gen Z is entering a workforce with a completely unstable financial future ahead of them and it's causing no end of anxiety: 

According to the report, over 50% of Gen-Zers said they are “extremely worried about not having enough money.” In light of the economic turmoil, fears of a recession, the ascension of artificial intelligence and corporate downsizings, making a living is a top priority for these young adults.


Gen-Zers are juggling several gigs and jobs. Around 65% worked part-time or full-time jobs last year, while 56% earned money from freelance or “side hustle” work. Thirty-nine percent of Gen-Z earned money working both a job and a side hustle.

Gen Z, despite being the first purely digital generation, likely has the same reaction to a bad economy as everyone else does, they look at the guy in charge. As Biden hasn't given them any reason to believe he's going to improve the economy, much less form a coherent sentence, many in Gen Z are looking into alternatives. 

This is where being a purely digital generation becomes detrimental to Democrats. 

Earlier, polls mentioned that older generations are still favoring Biden for the most part. People within a generation that haven't completely mastered, or refuse to master the internet, are likely still getting a lot of information from the television which, as we know, gives a very skewed version of the truth, if you get any truth at all. 

Younger generations will likely take to the internet to find their answers and, as such, be introduced to far more right-leaning narratives. For young men, this will happen inevitably, but Gen Z women will likely be no exception. 

Again, we're still a ways away from November and changes can happen at any moment that send Gen Z to the left, but as things continue to progress as they are without any change in sight, perhaps we may see one of the first elections in years where the youth lean more right than left. 


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